Sillas de Ruedas and Wheelchairs: A First in the Dominican Republic
Elder Darrel L. Hammon
Head table at the historical event: the handing over of wheelchairs fabricated for the first time in the DR | |
One doesn’t often think about participating in
a truly historical event until someone actually says something and you suddenly realize the
importance of such an event. Wednesday, October 31, 2012 was one of those events.
Presidente Hernández. Arturo Pérez, Mary Pérez de
Marranzini, y los Haws |
everyone in the U.S. was dressed up in Halloween costumes, and little children scurried
from door to door, in hopes to “trick or trick,” we attended an event at the
Asociación Dominicana de Rehabilitación (ADR), located in Santo Domingo,
Dominican Republic. Along with ASOFIDIMO, the ADR and other partners, the
Church helped the ADR develop a center to fabricate sillas de ruedas (wheelchairs). This is the first time ever in the Dominican Republic for any group to fabricate sillas de ruedas in this country. Now, the ADR and the ASOFIDIMO will do just that.
The first wheelchair--silla de ruedas |
the ceremony, the ADR handed over the first 100 chairs. It was a grand ceremony. Mrs. Mary Pérez de
Marranzini, the founder of the ADR, was there along with Arturo Pérez, the ADR
Director; Georges Boissé, the Canadian Ambassador; President Bernardo
Hernández, 2nd counselor in the Santo Domingo Stake Presidency;
Rosalina and Miguel from ASOFIDIMO; a representative of the Primera Dama (First Lady); and a representative from the National DR Lottery; and others. Elder and Sister Haws, the
Dominican Republic’s humanitarian missionaries, and Presidente Hernández
received the chairs on behalf of the Church. A few TV stations and other media
folks were there, recording the night for posterity.
Rosalina y Miguel, ASOFIDIMO |
was nice about the event was Mrs. Pérez de Marranzini said how much the Church has
helped them and continues to help the ADR and ASOFIDIMO help those most in need. Although Arturo
Pérez didn’t speak, he did visit with us and the Haws before and after the event and told us
how much he appreciates the Church and what it does for his people. He and his
wife along with Dr. Carlos Zómeta went to the U.S. this summer and visited
Temple Square, Welfare Square, and other historic points. They returned with a
greater appreciation of what the Church does around the world.
The young men who fabricate the sillas de ruedas |
enjoyed ourselves. Now, the ADR and ASOFIDIMO can continue with the fabrication
of sillas de ruedas. They are the first!
The new fabrication center at the ADR |
Irene Caba, Evelin María Liriano (SD Stake Public Affairs), y los Haws |
Presidente Hernández y los Haws at the Closing |