Elder Darrel L. Hammon
Two Saturdays ago, we had the opportunity to go to Consuelo and pick up one of the little families and take them to San Pedro for a baptism. The young son who was almost ten was going to be baptized. We arrived a little early to the capilla. As we were sitting there along came the branch president and his little son. He seemed surprised we were there. Either he had forgotten about the baptism or we were really early. I’ll take the latter. He hopped in, and we took him to his home where he changed. Then, we headed to the capilla to pick up the family.
Joanne and Sister Eickbush had brought three cakes between them. By the time we were finished so were the cakes. I cannot believe how much cake can be eaten by such a few people. I guess, though, there were probably twenty people when the final headcount was taken.
What a great baptism it was. I was able to bear my testimony once again of the truthfulness of the gospel.We enjoy doing this.