"Los Llanos Baptism"
Elder Darrel. Hammon
Probably nothing is more sweet than to witness a baptism while you are serving. Last Saturday was one of those days.
Elder Cowley, Hermano Romero, y Elder Anderson |
We went with the Eickbushes to attend a baptism in their little branch Los Llanos. What an incredible experience! The ride out was forgettable. Actually, it was downright miserable. We took the Boca Chica exit and headed north on a fairly decent road. Before too long, however, the road turned into a gravel road with huge potholes. Brother Eickbush swerved here and there, and there and here. He did a great job maneuvering around the potholes. He crossed two railroad tracks. If they had been Union Pacific’s, they would have fired the guys who were supposed to keep them up. A whole car could have been swallowed up. In fact, on one of them, Brother Eickbush rubbed the tail end of the car. If he had been going any faster, the bumper would have been removed.
The "font" |
When we arrived, we walked into the capilla or the building that they hold church in. There in the middle of the floor was a swimming pool—a real swimming pool, like the kind you might buy at Sam’s Club to put in your backyard. This one, though, was in the middle of the floor. But it was full of crystal clear water. I don’t know what it took to put it up, but they did it, and it was ready to go way before the baptism.
Los Fernandez |
Many people had come to the baptism. It was nice to meet and greet everyone. Los Fernandez were there with one of their grandchildren, an 10-year-old named Amber. What a delight she is! They are the ones who went through the temple a couple of weeks ago. Last Sunday, Hermano Fernandez was called and set apart as one of the counselors in the branch presidency. He was all smiles and gave us all hugs. He is such a sweet man.
One of the sisters who was at the baptisms for the dead a month ago had brought three of her sisters. None of them is a member. They enjoyed being there. Two of them had children who came with them. They were wonderful women who are dedicated to their families.
It started almost on time. Presidente Vasquez is one of those excellent branch presidents who likes to move things along in their proper order. The speaker was Elder Anderson and then two members gave testimonies. They all did wonderful jobs. Then came time for the baptism.
Hermano Rafael Romero |
Hermano Rafael Romero, age 60+, was going to be baptized. They had to literally pick him up and place him into the font because there weren’t any stairs for him to use. Elder Cowley, a new elder, performed the baptism. Unfortunately, a leg came up the first time. Then, a toe came up the second time. Before we attempted a third try, I talked to Hermano Romero and Elder Cowley. I told Elder Cowley to place his feet into front of Hermano Romero’s feet. I told Hermano Romero to kneel instead of trying to go straight backwards before being baptized. Well, it worked. The third time was the charm—as they say. Hermano was completely immersed.
Some members of Los Llanos Branch |
Presidente Vasquez asked me to say a few words before I prayed, which I did. After the prayer, I congratulated Hermano Romero. It was fun to see him baptized. It was wonderful to be in the branch and meet the people.
Joanne and Sister Eickbush had made some cakes, and they were ever so popular. Before too long, other kids from the neighborhood came running. I don’t know who ran out and told them, but they came, eager to participate in the cake letting. Joanne had found some pumpkin at Nacional and made a pumpkin cake. It was delicious.
After the cake letting, it was time to empty the font. We began by dipping pails into the water and carrying them outside to dump them. Before too long, they had completely dismantled the pool, and the water gushed out onto the floor, and the sisters were there with brooms to sweep out the water. It was an incredible rush of water out both of the doors. I just stood and watched, bucket in hand, until all of the water had been swept out. I told Presidente Vasquez that if he had a baptism every week, he would have the cleanest chapel in the entire church.
Young people in Los Llanos Branch |
We said our goodbyes. They were sad to see us go. I really like Presidente Vasquez and Los Fernandez. They are good people, trying their hardest to make the branch grow and develop. The ride was a good one. The bumps were still there, but we were riding high from the incredible baptism we had just witnessed.